Mass Audubon Wellfleet – Day Camp Bldg/Goose Pond

Mass Audubon Wellfleet Bay
South Wellfleet, MA 02663
LAT/LONG: 41.91614, -69.996657
Server error, PowerDash has been notified.
Since monitoring began 12/09/2010, this system has generated 659,438 kilowatt hours of clean energy.
Enough to offset...
lbs. of CO2 emissions, the main cause of global warming.
miles worth of CO2 emissions from the average American car.
Enough power for...
days of electricity usage in an average American house.
days using a 13-watt energy-efficient CFL light bulb.

Installation Profile

Array Azimuth
Array Tilt
Kilowatts (DC)
Dec 9, 2010
Mass Audubon Wellfleet - Caretaker's House Mass Audubon Wellfleet - Pole Barn PV Mass Audubon Wellfleet – Nature Center Mass Audubon Wellfleet – Parking Lot

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